FAQ Topic: Utility Information

Click here for more information about bulk water sales.

Pursuant to Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code of Ordinances, the City sells bulk water to construction companies and other entities requiring large volumes of water.  The water is sold as NON-POTABLE WATER ONLY.  Each entity purchasing bulk water from the City must sign a statement on the Bulk Water Purchase Application acknowledging that the water received is … Continued

Click here for used oil recycling.

Oil Center Location: Avenue F (westside of City Hall) Hours of Operation: Self-service (24x7x365) Acceptable Materials: Used oil placed in a secure container that may be emptied and reused for future recycling.

Click here to set up water/wastewater services.

Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Services All new water, wastewater, and solid waste customers must complete an application and agreement form prior to the City establishing service. The form can be found here. A driver’s license and deposit are required at the time of application. No service will be established until the required deposit and … Continued

Click here for solid waste and recycling information.

Solid Waste and Recycling Hill Country Waste Solutions (HCWS) serves as the City’s sole provider of trash and recycling services.  Participation in solid waste services is mandatory for all residents and business owners located within the City of Johnson City. Trash service occurs weekly on Thursdays.  Recycling service occurs biweekly on Thursdays.  The biweekly recycling … Continued

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