Request for Sealed Bids for
2024 FOG Seal Project
City of Johnson City, Texas
Bid No. 24-001-01
The City of Johnson City, Texas (the “City”) is soliciting sealed bids from qualified contractors for mobilization (TxDOT Spec. 500), barricades, signs & traffic handling (TxDOT Spec. 502), one-way traffic control (TxDOT Spec. 510), right-of-way preparation (TxDOT Spec. 100), and FOG seal (TxDOT Spec. 315). Contractors with relevant experience and qualifications are encouraged to submit a bid.
Please click HERE for the Request for Sealed Bids.
The selection process utilized by the City is mandated by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252. Firms will be evaluated based on who can provide the best service and value to the City. In determining the best value for the municipality, the City may consider:
a) the bid price;
b) the reputation of the CONTRACTOR and of the CONTRACTOR’S goods or services;
c) the quality of the CONTRACTOR’S goods or services;
d) the extent to which the goods or services meet the CITY’S needs;
e) the CONTRACTOR’S past relationship with the CITY;
f) the impact on the ability of the CITY to comply with laws and rules relating to contracting with historically underutilized businesses and nonprofit organizations employing person with disabilities;
g) the total long-term cost to the CITY to acquire the CONTRACTOR’S goods or services; and
h) any relevant criteria specifically listed in the request for bids or bids.
Interested parties should submit one (1) sealed bid to:
Rick Schroder
Chief Administrative Officer
303 E. Pecan Dr. (physical address)
P.O. Box 369 (mailing address)
Johnson City, Texas 78636
Sealed bids, addressed to Chief Administrative Officer Rick Schroder, will be received by mail or in person at City Hall, 303 E. Pecan Dr. (Physical), P.O. Box 369 (Mailing), Johnson City, Texas 78636 until 3:00 p.m. September 27, 2024 and then publicly opened and read aloud at the same location at 3:05 p.m. for the “City of Johnson City 2024 FOG Seal” project. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on September 18, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. Any bids received after the above-stated date and time will be returned unopened.