Do you like being water wise and having a friendly competition?
The City of Johnson City is proud to announce our Ugliest Lawn Contest!

The City exclusively uses groundwater pumped from the Ellenburger Aquifer. Once chlorinated for public drinking water purposes, the water is distributed throughout the City through water mains and individual service lines. Whether you flush the toilet, use the water for cooking, or water your lawn, the same precious resource - drinking water - is used. Conservation measures implemented to protect this limited resource are extremely important, and we hope, in this case, a little fun!
Who: Johnson City residents
What: The Johnson City Ugliest Lawn Contest is a City-wide competition to see who has the "ugliest lawn." Let your grass go dormant and win a prize! The City will also accept unique water wise initiatives, such as rock or vegetable gardens, in lieu of grass and other water hungry plants. What about rain barrels? Submit photos of your ugly lawn via email to wwalston@johnsoncitytx.org. Please be sure to include your address in the email.
When: The Ugliest Lawn Contest runs from August 18th - September 15th, 2023. Photos must be submitted by 5 p.m. on September 15th. Winners will be contacted by email on or before September 22nd.

- Lawns must be mowed and maintained.