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Deferred Disposition / Probation

You are eligible for deferred disposition if you meet all of the following requirements:

  • You have not had a deferral in Johnson City in the past year;
  • Your request is made before the appearance date on the original citation, the notice to appear, or before any date to which that initial appearance date has been extended or reset;
  • You enter a plea of guilty and waive a jury trial;
  • You provide proof of minimum liability insurance, required by Chapter 601, Texas Transportation Code;
  • You are at least 25 years of age, or, if less than 25 years of age, agree to complete a driving safety course approved under Chapter 1001, Texas Education Code;
  • You have had no more than 2 convictions of any traffic offense in the past 3 years;
  • You pay a special expense fee at the time of your request (an amount equal to the maximum fine for the offense alleged, plus Court costs);
  • You sign an affidavit of eligibility; and
  • You provide a Driving Record (3A version) from DPS.

You are not eligible if:

  • You are currently on a deferral for any court or you had a prior deferral in Johnson City within the past year;
  • You have been convicted of more than 2 convictions of any traffic offense in the past 3 years (from the date of offense);
  • You have failed to appear on the offense or a warrant has been issued for your arrest;
  • You hold a commercial drivers license; or
  • The offense is a serious traffic violation and would not be eligible for a driving safety course, as stated below:
    • Speeding in a school zone;
    • Leaving the scene of an accident;
    • Failing to stop and render aid;
    • Fleeing from a police officer;
    • Reckless driving;
    • Overtaking or passing a school bus;
    • Excessive speeding of 20 miles per hour and over; or
    • Any offense in a construction zone when workers were present.
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