Commercial plan review and permitting questions?

Applicants must submit the following:

1.  Permit Application – Click HERE for the application and checklist.
2.  Plot Plan:

-Address and Legal Description
-Lot Dimensions
-Building Footprint and Distance from Property Lines
-Platted Building Setback Lines (if applicable)

3.  Plan Set (Qty. 3); Qty. 4 for Building with Fire Sprinklers; Qty. 5 for Health Review:
Drawings containing labels “not for construction” or “for pricing only” will not be accepted.  Plan set must be sealed, signed and dated by a State of Texas Registered Architect, Engineer, or Interior Designer, as applicable and where required by the State of Texas Engineering and Architect Practice Act.

-Site Plan
-Floor and Roof Plans
-Exterior and Interior Elevations
-Door, Window, and Hardware Schedules
-Construction Details
-Interior Finish Schedules
-Structural Plans, including Foundation Plans, Roof and Floor Framing Plans, and Wall Sections and Details. Form Survey Required Prior to Plumbing Rough Inspection.
-Mechanical, Electrical (including Riser Diagram), and Plumbing (including Riser Diagram) Site Plans and Schedules
-Parking Lot Layout Plan, including Fire Lane
-Grading Plan
-Fire Lane Location(s)
-Fire Alarm / Fire Suppression Systems Plans
-Engineered Driveway Approach Plans (driveways accessing State rights of way require TxDOT review and approval)
-Drainage Culvert Plans

4.  Energy Compliance Report (including Building Envelope, Lighting, and Mechanical Compliance) – 2015 edition of “The International Energy Conservation Code”

The following inspection types are most common in commercial construction:

-Plumbing Rough
-Water Service
-Yard Sewer
-Form Survey
-Gas Wrap
-Pier / Footing
-Retaining Wall
-Sprinkler / Double Check
-Electric Rough
-Mechanical Underground
-Mechanical Rough
-Mechanical Final
-Gas Rough Piping / Test
-Gas Temporary
-Plumbing Top Out
-Energy Insulation
-Construction Electric
-Tilt Panel
-Grade Beam
-Slab Add On
-Gas in Slab
-Gas Underground
-Gas Final
-Electrical Underground
-Electrical Final
-Grease Duct
-Plumbing Final
-Energy Final
-Building Final
-Customer Service Inspection Form

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