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JCTX Jazz & Art Festival

MayMay 20 2023

3:00pm - 8:30pm Memorial Park

105 E. Main St., Johnson City, TX 78636

The JCTX Jazz & Art Festival is a free jazz and art festival located within the historic Downtown District of Johnson City, Texas.  Live jazz starts at 3 p.m., but feel free to come out early to pick your favorite spot!  Musicians will perform under the gazebo.

Please bring blankets, chairs, sunscreen, and bug repellent.  Moreover, patrons are welcome to bring coolers packed with their favorite food and drinks.

Food trucks will be located on N. Ave. G, and local vendors and artisans will be located in the “alley” between Memorial Park and the Texas Vintage Motorcycle Museum.

Click on the infographic above for additional information on this year’s jazz musicians.

Click HERE for an Art & Crafts Vendor Application.

See you at the Festival!

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